Paulo Desana
Paulo Desana is an Indigenous Videographer and Photographer and is in charge of Dabukuri Entretenimento, a production company that produces audiovisual and visual art material about Indigenous culture, in partnership with Journalist Ana Amélia and Indigenous communicator Daniella Yepá, Paulo produced the photos about Food and Climate Change the article was selected in the 14th Call for MicroBolsas by the Noticias A Pública agency.

He was the Director of Photography for the Mini Documentary Ciência e Culinária (Cooking and Science) about the Maniuara ant in the culture of the Hupdas Peoples, he worked as a cameraman in the Documentary Cobra Canoa, and in the short Fiction Wuitina Numiá (Girls Courage), the short was awarded at the Festival de Cine Independente de San Antonio in Ecuador as the best Short Film of 2022, Paulo was also a cameraman for the Documentary O Dabucuri, both produced by Shine a Light (USA)/Usina Da Imaginação (Brazil).

The Pamürimasa Photographic Project (The Spirits of Transformation) was on display at the TEPI Virtual Platform. As a Photographer Paulo works as a collaborator for the news agency Amazônia Real.
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