Yaka Huni Kuin
I'm Yaka Huni Kuin, I was born in Aldeia Chico Curumim, Kaxinawa Indigenous Land of Rio Jordão, in the state of Acre. I currently live in the municipality of Jordão, where I came to study. I'm a visual artist and a forest apprentice. I paint on canvas (acrylic on canvas). My art brings the cosmovision, traditional songs and visions with Nixi Pae (ayahuasca), which are knowledge of the Huni Kuin people.

I am a co-founder of the Kayatibu Cultural Center and my works were recently exhibited in the exhibition "Moquém_Surarî: contemporary indigenous art" at the Museum of Modern Art of São Paulo (MAM). I am currently part of the exhibition "Les Vivans" at the Cartier Foundation, France.
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